As of the 15th of March, you can now download a "Prologue" of the upcoming Final Fantasy Dissidia 012. The download costs around $3 though the Playstation Network. Is it worth the cash for a amped demo that you probably won't play passed the late-March release date of the final game?
Dammit Vaan made it into this game. I wanted Ashe.. |
First off, this game is definitely an over-glorified demo. You'll get a quick story mode level with a quick run threw on how the controls are used, and an introduction to how Lightning is played. Nothing amazing happens in this storyline that will define the next game, this is more of the appetizer. I can sum up the storyline for you, but as you can tell, I'm not good with just single sentances.
The demo also gives you an Arcade mode where you can either play 5 battles of normal mode, or 30 of hard mode. Through these modes you can gain items and achievements that will carry over to the final game, as well as getting to test your skills with newcomer Lightning, Off-Again/On-Again ally Kain Highwind, and returning fighters Jecht, Sephiroth, Kefka (Come on come on come on!), Garland, and Warrior of Light respectively. The neat thing about Arcade mode is all of the characters from the first game appear in new costumes, ranging from the barely noticeable Sephiroth in his FFVII outfit (As opposed to his previous slightly different Dissidia design.) all the way to Garland in his Amono Art form and Warrior of Light in full "Warrior" gear. The demo also gives you plenty of music and a decent amount of areas to battle in.
The thing comes down to if it's worth 3 bucks for you?
"... but to pay for this demo" |
When you go out to dinner and you plan to get a large meal, such as a full rack of ribs or the fried seafood platter special of heart attacks, do you want an appetizer? Keep in mind this appetizer also unlocks stuff in your full meal, as well as gaining the exclusive Aerith as an assist ally, and obtaining items that'll level your characters in your final game. The game will also prepare you on using the new little tweaks and assists for the final game.
It's all up to you if you're hungry now, or you're willing to wait for your nomura-inspired prime rib dinner coming out March 22nd.
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