Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 Announced!

Poor Dr. Doom doesn't get cover time now.
   Following the footsteps of the Street Fighter IV remakes, Capcom decides to take it's fan complaints about the first Marvel Vs Capcom 3 release to heart. Announced this week, Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 adds another 12 characters to the 2011 sequel. The game will also have an improved gameplay balance and a well-needed spectator mode. Though, I'll miss watching those little cards duke it out while waiting for one best friend to beat another so I could take winner.

I thought "Ghost Writer" was going to be announced, but this is the second best thing.
   Capcom has stated that, as seen on the new cover we now have Hawkeye, Ghost Rider, Firebrand (Why?), and Strider. That leaves 8 more mysterious fighters, that the internet has already figured out!
Thanks to wonderful forum users & the fact that Capcom uploaded pictures of these characters makes this out to be true.
We don't need anyone else from the Summer's Family; We got Rocket Raccoon!
   Capcom pans on releasing in November 2011 with a 39.99 price point. That's less then $20 then the previous game, less then $30 if you paid for Jill & Shuma, 'cause they'll be included in this game too.

1 comment:

  1. I gonna shove Rocket Raccoon where your TV dosen't shine.
